Exiting the Life Bridges Program
A Team Member Exits the Life Bridges program based on when they meet their IEP goals and one of the four exit criteria established by the Texas Administrative Code. It is the goal of the program to help each Team Member and his/her family ensure that there is a smooth process transitioning between public school and 'when the yellow bus quits coming".
Completion Ceremony!
The Life Bridges Program always ends each year with a Celebration Ceremony. This provides an opportunity to share the successes of each Team Member who has completed his/her personal goals and exited the program.
Below are the Graduation Requirement/Exit criteria per the Texas Education Code:
19 TAC§89.1070. Graduation Requirements
- Consistent with the IEP, the student has obtained full-time employment, based on the student's abilities and local employment opportunities, in addition to mastering sufficient self-help skills to enable the student to maintain the employment without direct and ongoing educational support of the local school district."
- Consistent with the IEP, the student has demonstrated mastery of specific employability skills and self-help skills that do not require direct ongoing educational support of the local school district."
- The student has access to services that are not within the legal responsibility of public education or employment or educational options for which the student has been prepared by the academic program."
- The student no longer meets age eligibility requirements.
Team Members Exit when individual goals have been met. Some Team Members Exit after only one semester, some attend for a couple years. Exiting the program is all based on individual needs.